Friday, May 1, 2009

The Control Panel

The control panel is a recurring symbol throughout the book. I think it stands for strength and independence, just like McMurphy does, because Chief finally becomes strong enough (both mentally and physically) to lift it and use it to escape the ward. What do you think it symolizes?


John Scarpa said...

I agree with TJ, but I also think that the control panel symbolizes Mcmurphy and how he helped the people in the hospital. When no one could lift it, it showed that no one had enough power to fight back, but mcmurphy came in and gave them the strength to be able to lift it, and then he gave the Cheif the strength to pick it up and throw it. This shows that he was a positive effect on the hospital and the people in it.

M White said...

I also agree with TJ.The control panel is the machine that automates the ward. As far as the cheif was concerned, everyone was automated and under a machine control, the combine. When he is empowered by McMurphy, he is able to fight the fog and fight his misconception of machines. his lifting of the Control panel itself is the final step to the Cheif's total control over himself.

Sam C said...

I also think it symbolizes strength and independence. McMurphy gives Chief the power and confidence to lift the panel and win the bet, but that was not the only motivation. By the end of the book, we see that McMurphy really does care about the other patients and is not only in it for the money. I think it is really ironic that Chief always describes things as mechanical (machines and everything), but the control panel is real and it helps him escape the ward.

cody s. said...

I don't agree that the control panel symbolizes independence or strength. I believe the control panel represents control in the ward. No one in the ward was strong enough the lift the control panel. So, the lifting represents strength, freedom, and independence. When McMurphy wasn't able to lift the panel, it was foreshadowing that he would not regain his freedom. The Chief on the other hand had the strength to lift the panel. He only needed the confidence McMurphy gave him in his own strength. My thoughts somewhat coorispond to M White's.

Vicky Mendoza said...

I agree with Sam. I also think that the reason that the machine is what helps the Chief get out porves that even though the Chief was delusional, he was not as sick as everyone in the ward thought he was.